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623 Fortune Crescent #100
Kingston, ON, Canada

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Our Narrative

At Leadogo, we stand for goodness, kindness, compassion, and community. We channel these fundamental pillars of the human spirit into everything we do. We don’t just teach leaders how to be better leaders, we create opportunities for everyone to make a lasting impact.

Our Mission

From our actions to company culture, from our strategic partnerships to our community outreach, our mission is to establish the next level of leaders who embrace differences and increase connection across the human experience. Diversity, inclusion, and belonging are ingrained in everything we deliver.

Our Design

Our programs and services are designed to measure impact over completion. While activity is tracked, we place greater emphasis and importance on making a difference, creating space for everyone to be seen and heard, and harnessing the power of sustained human connection free of judgment and prejudice.

Our Approach

"Our robust learning environment allows the leader to choose his/her most effective path versus a prescribed one-size fits all learning map. And what’s more, leaders are open to explore all facets of the platform in tandem. It’s built so that learning in one area builds on and facilitates deeper learning in another."

Leadogo Academy Pillars

Our Pillars

We are the Social Learning Network focused on inspiring Good. Our workshops and and courses focus on the following critical areas :

  • 1 Personal Leadership

    The key to unlocking potential starts from within.

  • 2 Social Impact & Purpose

    Using new insights and discoveries, transition focus to empowering others and society.

  • 3 Strategic Application

    The third milestone of the journey is all about action and bringing everything to fruition.

Personal Leadership

The key to unlocking potential starts from within. This first, and most crucial portion of the leadership journey, initiates a deep dive into self awareness and self discovery. It places leaders at the center of the experience allowing them to uncover their unique talents and abilities as well as the challenges that hold them back from optimizing their own performance.

Social Impact & Purpose

Using the insights and discoveries brought to light in Personal Leadership, participants transition their focus to empowering others. In the Social Impact and Purpose modules, leaders learn what skills are most important to forge connection and how to bring them to life in a way that’s meaningful to each team member and drives optimal performance.

Strategic Application

The third milestone of the leaders’ journey is all about action – how to put everything they’ve learned about themselves and how to engage others into everyday application. From setting a vision to conducting performance conversations, leaders are equipped with the practical skills to maximize every situation. Below are some of our tracks and sample course selections:

Let’s Talk

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